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Laminate Flooring McKinney TX

As a builder or repairman, your choice of flooring materials should satisfy your customers and the project budget. Some flooring choices are not as important as installing tiles in the bathroom. Other options depend on the style and value of the home and the preferences of the local market. In any case, the price, quality and style of the floor should match the interior design and value of the house.

If you are building or preparing homes for sale, it is a good idea to talk to local realtors to find out what home buyers are looking for in the area.

Solid Wood and Bamboo

Hardwood is probably the best looking type of flooring out there and a perennial favorite of home buyers and tenants. Hardwood is important for almost all living areas and in some cases, kitchens. Wood is not a good solution for rooms that are frequently damp or congested, including bathrooms, laundry rooms. Bamboo flooring is similar to hardwood in terms of performance, cost, installation and maintenance.

Today’s wooden floors are unfinished, as well as solid and engineered. Solid wood – 3/4 inch thick, tongue and groove boards, which are usually nailed to the bottom of the wood but glued to the concrete. Unfinished hardwood flooring is leveled and prepared on site. Made solid wood does not need to complete any site

Engineered wood flooring is a plywood-like material with a hardwood surface. The usual types can be nailed or hung. Hardwood falls off quickly and most builders can install it, but installing glue is much more complicated than nailing. Installing an engineered floating floor is the easiest and fastest option. Please note that hardwood should not be used in sub-basements due to moisture. Some manufacturers of solid wood manufacturers guarantee basement floors.

The main disadvantages of hardwood are cost and maintenance. All hardwoods should usually be finished with a clear coat of polyurethane or similar. The finished moisture is resistant to moderate humidity and if the floor is not cleaned, it will be scratched and excessively worn. For these reasons, hardwood lumber is not a good option for many rental properties.

Laminate Flooring McKinney TX

Laminate flooring is basically a low-cost alternative to wood. It is made of wood pulp and resin and looks like real wood, but discerning buyers can tell the difference. Laminate can mimic a variety of wood styles, from traditional favorites to special types such as maple and cherry, wide-slab pine and reclaimed shed wood. So, we would recommend you to buy Laminate Flooring McKinney TX from our Elegant Floors TX store.

Laminate flooring is covered with a picture layer with MDF (medium density fiberboard) core (for appearance) and thick polymer decoration. Almost all types are designed to install a floating floor with quick and easy clicks. Laminate can also be glued, but this is rare or recommended.

Unlike hardwood, laminate flooring cannot be renewed if its surface is worn or damaged, and laminate cannot be restored. Its color is harsh and resistant to moisture and stains, but the joints between the boards cannot withstand moisture, and if water or other liquids sit on the floor, they swell and chip. 

In general, laminate is a great option for the appearance of wood in residential areas (not bathrooms) at a low and affordable price. For further information please send us email.